SGDK. Scroll of layers, tiles, lines.

Before reading this article, read SGDK. Create an image.


In this tutorial, we will look at all 3 ways to scroll in SGDK. And since all 3 methods use the same function VDP_setScrollingMode,I decided to write about them in one lesson.

Before you begin, download the project files from MEGA.

Well, let’s get started.

Move the layer.

Open Planescroll/out/rom.bin.

This scene is made with the help of a scroll of one picture.

the same picture

Now, let’s break down the code. To do this, open the main.c file in the PlaneScroll project.

s16 x_offset = 0;

Stores the x-axis displacement of a layer.

VDP_setPlaneSize(32,32, TRUE);

VDP_setPlaneSize – indicates the size of the layer in tiles. Its syntax is as follows.

VDP_setPlaneSize(width_in_tiles, height_in_tiles, optimization_VRAM);
  • width_in_tiles – sets the width of the layer (available values 32, 64, 128)
  • height_in_tiles – sets the height of the layer (available values 32, 64, 128)
  • optimization_VRAM – if TRUE, then tile-maps will be automatically distributed over VRAM depending on the size of the layer.

Thus, we set the layer size to 256×256 px or 32×32 tile (1 tile = 8×8 px).


Here, we set the scroll mode, according to the following syntax.

VDP_setScrollingMode(horizontal_scroll, vertical_scroll)

Horizontal scrolling has the following modes:

  • HSCROLL_PLANE is a layer scroll.
  • HSCROLL_TILE is a scroll of tiles.
  • HSCROLL_LINE – scrolling lines.

While vertical:

  • VSCROLL_PLANE is a layer scroll.
  • VSCROLL_2TILE – scroll meta-tile (1 metatail = 4 tiles = 16×16 px)

In this example, we have installed a horizontal and vertical scroll of the layer.

VDP_setHorizontalScroll(BG_A, x_offset);

Here, using the VDP_setHorizontalScroll function, a layer for scrolling(BG_A) and a displacement of the x_offset were installed.

Vertical scrolling is exactly the same as a horizontal, but instead of VDP_setHorizontalScroll is used VDP_setVerticalScroll

x_offset += 10;
if(x_offset > 256) {
	x_offset -= 256;

The offset increases each frame by 10 pixels. Whatever the offset increases to infinity, so i limited it to 256 (the size of the layer along the x-axis).

When, the scroll of the layer is done, go to scroll tiles.

Move the tiles.

In the TileScroll project, open the rom.bin.

Here there is a vertical scroll of meta-tiles (tile 16×16 px).

Now, let’s analyze the code in main.c.


Established the method of scrolling, on tile. On the x-axis we scroll tiles,on the y-axis we scroll meta-tiles (it’s a limitation of Sega Genesis).

VDP_setVerticalScrollTile(BG_A, 3, offset_mask, 6, CPU);

VDP_setVerticalScrollTile – responsible for the vertical scrolling of tiles. The syntax here is as follows.

VDP_setVerticalScrollTile (layer, initial_tile, mask, end_tile, transmission_method);
  • layer – is a layer that we will scroll (BG_A or BG_B)
  • initial_tile – is a meta-tile on the x-axis,starting from which the maskwill be applied.
  • Mask – is an array of values that stores the scroll speed of meta-tiles.
  • end_tile – is the last meta-tile.
  • transmission_method – takes values (CPU, DMA, DMA_QUEUE, DMA_QUEUE_COPY)

Look at the mask.

s16 offset_mask [6] = {0,5,10,15,20,25};

And now for the animation.

  • In the 3rd meta-tile, the velocity is 0.
  • In the 4th is equal to 5
  • A, in the 5th is equal to 10
  • In VDP_setVerticalScrollTile, we indicated that the mask will be applied from the 3rd meta-tile, which is what we see in the animation.
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) offset_mask [i] = offset_mask [i] +i;

This cycle,moves the displacement of all tiles.

Vertical scroll tiles disassembled,now replace this line.

VDP_setVerticalScrollTile(BG_A, 3, offset_mask, 6, CPU);

On this one. The arguments are the same, only the name of the function is different.

VDP_setHorizontalScrollTile(BG_A, 3, offset_mask, 6, CPU);

And compile.

As you can see, the logic here is the same. Only instead of meta-tiles, tiles are used, and scroll horizontal.

Let’s move on to scrolling lines.

Moving lines.

Open rom file in the LineScroll project

Scroll lines at random distance

Now, open main.c. Let’s break it down.

s16 offsetMaskLine [224] ; 

As with scrolling tiles, we will need a mask, in this mask, will be stored shifts of all lines on the screen.

for(int i=0; i < 224; i++)
  offsetMaskLine [i] = 0;

Fill the array with zeros.


Set the scroll mode, on the scroll of lines (HSCROLL_LINE).

VDP_setHorizontalScrollLine(BG_A, 0, offsetMaskLine, 224, CPU);

And scroll lines, the syntax is the same as with the tiles. Only instead of tiles, we using lines.

for(int i=0; i < 224; i++)
  offsetMaskLine [i] += random() % 10;

In this cycle, I shifted each line to a random number, from 0 to 9.

Now, comment on the cycle above, and uncomment the other cycle.

for(int i=0; i <= 224; i+=2) {
  offsetMaskLine [i] += 1;
  offsetMaskLine [i-1] -= 1;

This cycle moves:

  • even lines – right
  • odd – left

As a result, we got this effect.


So this lesson is over, if there are any suggestions for the release of articles, write them in the comments. Also, in this series of lessons, I smoothly lead you to the creation of a platformer, and from the next lesson, we will already begin to work on this, namely, we will learn how to scroll the map.

Final result.

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