In this lesson we will learn:
- work with JSON
- Download files
We work with JSON.
In this example, we will create a program that displays the current dollar rate.
Copy the following code.
import requests
resp = requests.get("").json()
Yeah, that's the whole program. All it does is get data on exchange rates in jsonformat.
resp = requests.get("").json()
.json(), converts json data to Python dictionary. From it, we got data on the dollar exchange rate.

Download pictures.
In this example, we will learn how to download memesfrom the site
Rewrite this script:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
header = { #user-agent is required because the site is not available without it
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0'
resp = requests.get("", headers=header).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp, 'lxml')
images = soup.findAll('img')
for image in images:
image_link = image.get('src')
image_name = image_link[image_link.rfind('/')+1:]
image_bytes = requests.get(image_link, headers=header).content
if not image_link:
with open(f'images/{image_name}', 'wb') as f:
print('error skipped')
Let's analyze the code.
header = { #user-agent is required because the site is not available without it
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:88.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/88.0'
resp = requests.get("", headers=header).text
Here we got an html page, passing as a header user-agent,pass it necessarily, because if this is not done, instead of html pages, we get "Access Denied".
Next, we get all the pictures (elements with the img tag).
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp, 'lxml')
images = soup.findAll('img')
In the imgtag, we look for the src argument (link to the image).
image_link = image.get('src')
From the link, extract the name of the picture.
image_name = image_link[image_link.rfind('/')+1:]
And, download the picture.
image_bytes = requests.get(image_link, headers=header).content
.content,unlike .text and .json,represents data in bytecode format.
The resulting image is saved in the imagesfolder. First, create an imagesfolder in the script directory.
with open(f'images/{image_name}', 'wb') as f:
Just in case, I wrapped it all in try/exceptso that the program would miss errors.
That's all, the program now knows how to download pictures. If desired, you can make it download music and videos.